How to Calculate the Break-Even Point

The break-even point for Hicks Manufacturing at a sales volume of $22,500 (225 units) is shown graphically in Figure 3.5. It is only useful for determining whether a company is making a profit or not at a given point in time. Sales below the break-even point mean a loss, while any sales made above the break-even point lead to profits.

As you can see, for the owner to have a profit of $1,200 per week or $62,400 per year, the company’s annual sales must triple. Presently the annual sales are $100,000 but the sales need to be $299,520 per year in order for the annual profit to be $62,400. The break-even point of $3,840 of sales per week can be verified by referring back to the break-even point in units. For an Entrepreneur, a break-even point is a great tool to know if your business or new product will be worth the investment or not.

At the break-even point, the total cost and selling price are equal, and the firm neither gains nor losses. If you are a small business owner or have just started your own business, doing a break-even analysis is important. It will help you determine if your business is sustainable or not, if the costs are too high or if the princess is too low to reach the break-even point at the right time. It will help you forecast your business’s profitability, revenue and growth. The Break-Even Point (BEP) is the inflection point at which the revenue output of a company is equal to its total costs and starts to generate a profit. Companies can use profit-volume charting to track their earnings or losses by looking at how much product they must sell to achieve profitability.

  1. For example, a cosmetic company wants to know how many lipsticks from their line they have to sell to break even.
  2. What happens when Hicks has a busy month and sells 300 Blue Jay birdbaths?
  3. When sales exceed the break-even point the unit contribution margin from the additional units will go toward profit.
  4. It is not intended to 100% accurately determine your accounting or financing since those calculations can only be done after all costs and production have occurred.
  5. Our mission is to empower readers with the most factual and reliable financial information possible to help them make informed decisions for their individual needs.

In effect, the analysis enables setting more concrete sales goals as you have a specific number to target in mind. In cases where the production line falters, or a part of the assembly line breaks down, the break-even point increases since the target number of units is not produced within the desired time frame. Equipment failures also mean higher operational costs and, therefore, a higher break-even. The breakeven point (breakeven price) for a trade or investment is determined by comparing the market price of an asset to the original cost; the breakeven point is reached when the two prices are equal. A. If they produce nothing, they will still incur fixed costs of $100,000. As you can see, the $38,400 in revenue will not only cover the $14,000 in fixed costs, but will supply Marshall & Hirito with the $10,000 in profit (net income) they desire.

It is possible to calculate the break-even point for an entire organization or for the specific projects, initiatives, or activities that an organization undertakes. Calculating the break-even point for a business is important to determine its profitability. From sales funnel facts to sales email figures, here are the sales statistics that will help you grow leads and close deals. Read our ultimate guide on white space analysis, its benefits, and how it can uncover new opportunities for your business today. There’s a significant financial buy-in up top, and you need to take risks if you want to make money. But when you’re down on your luck in gambling or business, the short-term goal may simply be to break even.

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This relationship will be continued until we reach the break-even point, where total revenue equals total costs. Once we reach the break-even point for each unit sold the company will realize an increase in profits of $150. Calculating the break-even analysis is useful in determining the level of compare and contrast job-order and process costing systems production or a targeted desired sales mix. The study is for a company’s management use only, as the metrics and calculations are not used by external parties, such as investors, regulators, or financial institutions. This type of analysis involves a calculation of the break-even point (BEP).

Free Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Template

Once established, fixed costs do not change over the life of an agreement or cost schedule. For this calculator, we are calculating the fixed costs on a monthly basis. The break-even point is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal, meaning there is no loss or gain for your small business.

If your team does have price flexibility, then another equation may be more helpful for determining how to get back to a net-zero revenue. Companies can use break-even equations to track everything they expect to spend during any given quarter. They can even leave some room for error—that way, when emergency expenses pop up without warning on financial statements, it won’t lead to chaos for the accounting department.

For businesses, break-even analysis is essential in determining the minimum sales volume required to cover total costs and break even. It helps businesses make informed decisions about pricing strategies, cost management, and operations. The break-even point is the volume of activity at which a company’s total revenue equals the sum of all variable and fixed costs. Let’s assume that we want to calculate the target volume in units and revenue that Hicks must sell to generate an after-tax return of \(\$24,000\), assuming the same fixed costs of \(\$18,000\). By dividing the fixed costs by the total profit on each unit sold, you can determine how many units you need to sell before your company can sustainably pay off its expenses. This is helpful because it shows the minimum amount of units your company would need to sell before breaking even.

Over 1.8 million professionals use CFI to learn accounting, financial analysis, modeling and more. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. Watch this video of an example of performing the first steps of cost-volume-profit analysis to learn more. Break-even analysis is used by a wide range of entities, from entrepreneurs, financial analysts, businesses and government agencies. Contribution Margin is the difference between the price of a product and what it costs to make that product.

Break-Even Point Formula (BEP)

The basic objective of break-even point analysis is to ascertain the number of units of products that must be sold for the company to operate without loss. As you can see, the \(\$38,400\) in revenue will not only cover the \(\$14,000\) in fixed costs, but will supply Marshall & Hirito with the \(\$10,000\) in profit (net income) they desire. Superimposing these goals onto a specific timeline tells you exactly what to request from your sales team.

Company V now knows it needs to sell $160,000 worth of vacuums to break even on its quarterly investment. A good sales process is the foundation of any successful sales organization. Learn how to improve your sales process and close more deals with this free guide. Now, let’s go through the break-even analysis step by step to illustrate its usefulness with a real-life example.

The algorithm does the rest for you – it automatically calculates your profit margin and markup, and your break-even point both in terms of units sold and cash revenue. If you have specified your sales expectations, you will even see how much time it will take to reach the BEP. Remember the break-even point is used as an estimate for lender viability and your business plan. It is not intended to 100% accurately determine your accounting or financing since those calculations can only be done after all costs and production have occurred. It’s also a good idea to throw a little extra, say 10%, into your break-even analysis to cover miscellaneous expenses that you can’t predict.


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